Communication Preferences Form

State law requires that certain notices from the association are sent to you via US Postal service. Additionally, some notices, such as compliance letters or certain delinquency letters must be sent to you at your address within the homeowners association (HOA) regardless of whether or not you occupy the home you own within the HOA. If you do not live at the home within the HOA, and you have provided the Association with an alternate mailing address, we will send a copy of these notices to you at your address within the HOA and also to your alternate mailing address.

Lastly, if you instruct the HOA to do so, state law allows for several different types of notices to be sent via email only. These notices include, but are not limited to, meeting notices/agendas, newsletters, and budget packages.

Please complete the form below to let the Association know if you want your mail delivered to you at an address other than your property within the HOA (a second home, P.O. Box, an authorized third party, etc.) and to let the Association know if you wish to receive notices via email.

*Required fields





If any of the mailing options listed below are not completed, or if incomplete information is provided, notices will be sent to the property you own within the HOA


OPTION ONE: Within the Community

Yes, Send notices to me at my property address (within the community) as listed below.


OPTION TWO: Alternate Mailing Address

Yes, Send notices to me at my alternate mailing address as listed below.


OPTION THREE: Property Management Company/Authorized Agent

Yes, Send notices to Property Management Company/Authorized Agent mailing address as listed below.


OPTION FOUR: Email Address

Yes, I want notices to be sent to me by email only, as allowed by statute. I consent to and acknowledge that I will not receive a hard copy of such notices, to include meeting notices/agendas, newsletters and budget packages.

Need help? Contact us via email for the quickest response,

Level Community Management | 8966 Spanish Ridge Ave Ste. 100 Las Vegas, NV 89148

© 2023 Level Community Management